IIT – Kitchen Stuff
I am one off those who occasionally reorganized drawers and appliances and then later cannot remember their new locations. In this case I really found a new home for my rarely used pizza stone - in my computer room that yes has a sink ...
IIT – Got Hammer
We all experience the problems of opening items that seem to be deliberately packaged to be as unopenable as possible. Older folks are usually expected to have more problems but actually everyone faces these challenges ...
IIT – Prune Daiqueries
I had an earlier cartoon in which two teens were discussing their moms going out for a drink and wondering what drinks they would choose. Prune juice is an old timey remedy for constipation but more likely chosen by people who are not children anymore ...
2023 is History. Look Out 2024!
I am delighted to see 2023 become history. The new year has arrived and with it, I hope my artistic plateau will jar itself into some bursts of creativity that will leave behind the sluggish pattern I have fallen into. 2023 is in the past … Throughout my art career, I have always had a idea for painting that was exciting. And then that idea had always been followed by others that were even better ...
My Cartoons: A bit of an explanation
For those of you who have read my cartoons in the past few months... First, I probably should call them commentaries because they are not terribly ha ha funny but perhaps thought provoking. If you chuckle, that to me is a plus. Cartoon Copyrights I have heard from several folks that they wondered about my copyright and how that would interfere with my request that you all share my cartoons to all your friends and ...
IIT – The Movement
The movement is, of course, the women’s movement which did have the result of adding more jobs to the lives of many women ...
IIT – Gummies
I am disheartened at how easily younger people think of older as being incompetent, foolish, having disgusting habits - all things everyone displays - but older folks cannot fight back as easily. So to me, unless someone has cognitive disabilities, don’t treat them like they are children. I think my lady here is super cool. And I hope her gummies work for her ...
Cartoon – Channelling Pollack
I paint in a loose style and people always comment on it. Mostly they like it and many want to know how they can loosen up. Of course I don’t paint like Pollack but he does throw paint around. So maybe one’s brain can take a break and you can engage in what I call “brain stem painting” ...
Cartoon – Grandparent Technology
Speaking in acronyms is not my forte. I stalled at OMG! ...