Unless you are one of those fortunate women who have an hourglass figure (and always have), you are probably one of the millions of us less fortunate who, no matter what our body type, develops what I called the “Belly.” It seems to appear suddenly, but it was probably in development for quite a while.
The Frustration of Pants
When buying a new set of pants or jeans, I find for a pant leg to fit properly you can never button the waistband. If you CAN button the waistband, you have pant legs that look like a giant skirt.
Then, you resort to an elastic waist. Sometimes elastic works, but more often it makes you look like you’re carrying a watermelon. You have developed a convenient cushion for your breasts should they get saggy. But that is another story.
Blame the Pandemic
One good thing about the pandemic is that women gave up tight fitting clothes. Within our wardrobes, those beautiful clothes on hangers were pushed aside and we wore sweatpants and tee shirts — the baggier the better. Day after day after day.
Remember when Steve Jobs appeared in his black turtle neck, jeans and New Balance shoes? This was his signature outfit that clashed with the suits every other CEO wore. So here we were with our signature baggy tops, never tucked in, over baggy jeans or sweats but let’s face it – on skinny Steve Jobs it looked just fine. On us not so much.
Back to the Belly
My body type is boy-straight up and down. The feminine waistline was never there. Gradually the waist grew a bit. Nothing I couldn’t handle but the truth of aging up is that you can lose a bunch of weight, but the waist may never leave you. So I lived with it.
Then recently I was in a grocery store trying to pass an older woman in one of the large motorized chairs and we were jockeying back and forth and she looks up at me and says, “When is the baby due?”
O M G !
I was devastated. So what if most of it was gas? I just ate, talked, and swallowed air. But no matter the reason (or excuse), there it was, the Belly.
What’s the solution?
Time to hit the internet for remedies. Luke is trying a Keto diet. You know the one with low carb food intake. I know my addiction to sugar and even worse the carbs in bread are not helping.
Today I am not going cold turkey but bread consumption is going to be minimal as well as desserts and alcohol.
But I am setting myself up for failure. Company arrives today. Life will revolve around food and drink. Oi Vey!