Actually, I am a plein air painter in that I do enjoy setting up my art supplies and painting outdoors when the weather is perfect. The difference is that I am not interested so much in painting what I am seeing as much as what I am feeling inside. However, I do find it very hard to ignore the reality of the environment in order to interject my own ideas. The temptation is too great to duplicate what I am seeing.
So when I am presented with a view that I think is worthy of my attention as an artist, I take my camera (which I now always have with me because it’s in my iPhone) and I photograph the things of interest from all perspectives
- eye level
- all around
- from above
- from below
- everywhere.
Then I print out the photos and study them to come up with my own concept for a painting.
I am delighted that artists find satisfaction in recording their environments in real time.
Maybe I am just too lazy to haul all my stuff around.
Plein air painting for me is on my lovely deck near my coffeepot in the morning and wine in the afternoon.
And a readily available bathroom.